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From the PHP Team, Health & Wellness

Women and self-care: Putting yourself first

Self-care is not being selfish. Why you need to say yes to you-no guilt involved.

Let’s face it. Women are often the go-to caretakers, taking care of others’ needs before their own. And the needs can be many: those of children, spouses, parents, grandparents, or even pets–collectively putting personal care needs on the back burner. The pandemic greatly magnified this imbalance, as well, as many women put the health of their families and their careers ahead of their own. It’s time to say to yourself, “Okay, now it’s time to focus on me!”

How to put YOU first!

It won’t be easy to put yourself first, especially if you have trained your mind to not prioritize yourself for some time. But it’s important to know you matter. Your health matters. You can’t attend to others if you aren’t in good health yourself. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

When was your last health screening?

Because women are so invested in caring for others’needs, they often delay their own routine health screenings. So, ask yourself, when was your last skin cancer screening, mammogram, annual check-up, or pelvic exam? Has it been longer than you can remember?

Why are screenings important?

In the hectic pace of a day, the small health irritations or nuisances that may be signs of something larger can often be reasoned away. Delaying routine health screenings can pose a risk much greater than you realize. According to an article in the American Bar Association, “When women forgo care because of cost or other barriers, they may postpone diagnosis of a serious health problem or go without needed treatment, which can leave them in poor health.” Some of those other barriers include lack of transportation or needing child care. Common chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes (which can be asymptomatic for a long time), could be missed. You could be missing a key window for treatment. That is why it’s important to schedule and follow through on your preventive screenings and check-ups.

PHP Members: Preventive Screenings and Services

Ladies, if you are a PHP member, you have benefits available to you to utilize. Many preventive screenings and exams are fully-covered by your health plan (check out page 23 of the PHP Member Handbook). Some of those include:

  • Mammogram Screening
    • No age limit. (Once every year.)
  • Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Smear)
    • 21-65 years old (Once every 3 years)
  • Well Woman Visit (Annual Wellness Check)
    • 18+ years or older (Once per year)
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening (Colonoscopy)
    • 45+ older (Once every 10 years)
  • Bone Health Screening (Osteoporosis Check)
    • 65+ years or older (One every 2 years)
  • Immunizations
    • Flu shot
    • Pneumonia
    • Shingles (certain ages)
    • Chicken Pox
    • COVID
    • Tetanus
    • Diphtheria
    • Pertussis

Log on to your PHP member account and use the Preventive Services search tool for a full list of preventive screenings you may qualify for. Also, be sure to talk with your personal healthcare provider to determine what screening sthey would recommend for you.