Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) give employees another way to lower their out-of-pocket costs—additionally, employee contributions to these accounts can also lower your payroll taxes.
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) work in conjunction with any health plan to give you an advantage of lower healthcare premiums.
Offering an HRA and FSA to your employees gives them incentive to become better, more informed healthcare decision-makers—which may lower medical cost trends over time and help minimize premium increases in the future. Employees who understand their annual healthcare and dependent care expenses and also know how to use the accounts wisely can significantly lower their out-of-pocket expenses, which will have a positive financial impact on your bottom line as well.
HRA and FSA options are just two of the ways that PHP Management Systems can help you optimize your benefit plan and lower your tax cost. We can assist your company with selecting a healthcare plan, providing master plan documents, educating employees, and providing total plan administration (including all the required forms).