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How do I get more information?

PHP's goal is to provide quality products and superior service. Questions about benefits, eligibility, claims payment, prior authorization, or the participation status of doctors, hospitals, or other facilities can be addressed by our Customer Service Department.

PHP Customer Service Department

260-432-6690, Extension 11
1-800-982-6257, Extension 11
260-459-2600 for the hearing impaired


Who to Contact

Find out who to contact for questions about participating with us, updating participation status or practice information, fee schedules, staff in-services, billing, contracting efforts, and more!


Off-Plan referrals

A referral to a non-participating specialty doctor may be obtained if a uniquely specialized procedure is medically necessary and not performed by any participating doctors.  This process must be requested by the participating doctor and approved by PHP, in writing, prior to receiving the services.  It is the member's responsibility to notify us of the initial appointment date, or a change to the date they were given by the physician.

If the visit results in a recommendation for further treatment such as therapy, durable medical equipment, additional testing or surgery, the member must notify us prior to receiving these services.  The non-participating specialty doctor you were referred to should send claims associated with the visit to:

PO Box 2359
Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2359

After the visit, the non-participating specialty doctor should send the treatment plan summary to PHP's vendor partner:

Valenz Health

FAX:  (863) 333-4417

Download a list of services requiring prior authorization.


Five Ways Employers Can Reduce Pharmacy Costs

As businesses look for saving opportunities with their employee benefits package, consider optimizing the health plan's pharmacy program.


Amazon RxPass and Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs vs. Your Health Insurance

Online pharmacies, like retail giant Amazon and Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs, are shaking up the health insurance industry and impacting the way consumers are shopping for medications.


Ten Commonly Misunderstood Insurance Terms

In this article, PHP makes health insurance easy by applying commonly misunderstood insurance terms to a real-life scenario.


HIPAA Privacy

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Employee Spotlight: Rita Waggoner

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Maternity Services

Please notify PHP of all multiple births and high risk pregnancies by calling PHP Medical Management at (260) 432-6690 or (800) 982-6257, ext. 12. For prior authorization needs, please contact PHP's vendor partner Vālenz Health via fax at 863-333-4417. The following guidelines are associated with maternity claims submission:


Services provided in uncomplicated maternity cases include antepartum care, delivery and postpartum care.

Antepartum Care includes: 

  • physical examinations
  • initial and subsequent history 
  • blood pressure
  • recording weight
  • routine chemical urinalysis
  • fetal heart tones
  • monthly visits up to 28 weeks gestation
  • biweekly visits up to 36 weeks gestation
  • weekly visits until delivery

Delivery Services include:

  • hospital admission
  • admission history and physical examination
  • induction of labor
  • management of uncomplicated labor
  • vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy or forceps)
  • cesarean delivery 

Postpartum Care includes:

hospital and office visits following vaginal or cesarean delivery


  • 59400 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care vaginal delivery and postpartum care. 
  • 59510 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean delivery and postpartum care. 
  • 59610 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery and postpartum care after a previous cesarean delivery. (VBAC) 
  • 59618 Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean and postpartum care following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery. 


Antepartum or prenatal care includes the initial and subsequent histories, physical examinations, recording of weight, blood pressures, fetal heart tones, and routine chemical urinalysis. 

  • 59425 Antepartum care only, 4 - 6 visits.
  • 59426 Antepartum care only, 7 or more visits. 

Although these codes are intended to indicate a certain number of visits, PHP is set up to pay these codes per occurrence. When you submit claims for Antepartum care alone, be sure to indicate the specific date and number of times you saw the patient. This will assure proper payment.


Break-out of services is required when a PHP member: 

  1. has more than one physician or physician group providing services during her maternity care 
  2. change in insurance plan during her pregnancy 
  3. has miscarried 

The individual codes listed below are to be used when breaking out services: 

  • E/M code 1-3 OB visits CPT 59425 4-6 OB visits* 
  • CPT 59426 7 or more OB visits* 
  • CPT 59410 Uncomplicated vaginal delivery including postpartum care 
  • CPT 59515 Uncomplicated cesarean delivery including postpartum care 
  • CPT 59409 Vaginal delivery only 
  • CPT 59514 Cesarean delivery only 
  • CPT 59430 Post Partum care only * 

The individual office visit codes require a range of service dates. The number of units in box F should indicate the number of visits in the range and include all services as outlined in "Antepartum Care.” 


Contact PHP for assistance in correct coding of multiple birth deliveries
