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Breaking news!: Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana to join Priority Health. Read more in the full media release.

The healthcare industry is in the midst of a shift to value-based reimbursement, which is a dramatic change from the old model of "fee-for-service." As you make progress toward creating positive quality and cost results to ensure the best possible outcomes in your plan, keep these steps in mind:

1) Provide increased access to data

Health industry data can't (and shouldn't) be locked and guarded in the silos it's been isolated in up until now. Data must be available to the ones who can use it to improve healthcare quality while lowering costs by tracking performance and measuring action plans and their outcomes.

2) Share knowledge and learn from others

With a unified goal in mind, sharing knowledge outside of organizational walls will reduce financial waste, improve workflow, and provide evidence-based content to enable a faster, easier learning curve.

3) Develop strategies through assessment

First, determine your current status, strengths, and weaknesses. Look at your plan for the next several years and determine where you can best implement your strategies for value-based reimbursement.

PHP in the Community

We work, live, and play in the same communities as you. Our commitment to improving your quality of life runs deep – think of us as the health insurance company next door.

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