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Health & Wellness

Volunteering: Finding an Opportunity That’s Right for You

One way to make great use of your time is donating it through volunteer work. Not only will others benefit from your selflessness, you will build valuable skills and network to further your career all while improving your mental health.

Volunteering is one of the best ways to help your community as well as benefit yourself. When you volunteer you can enhance your skills, make new connections, and improve your mental health. To find an opportunity that fits your skills, interests, and schedule:

  • Choose a cause that you're passionate about or interested in. Volunteering can be a great way to find out more something you are interested in.
  • Consider your skill set and be realistic about which ways you can help others. This skill set does not need to be job related. It may include skills from hobbies and other experiences.
  • Look at your schedule. Think about all of your responsibilities and be sure to underestimate how much free time you have to volunteer. It's better to commit to less time and keep your commitment rather than promise more time and be unable to follow through.
  • Consider volunteering as a way to learn something new. Perhaps you have something that you're interested in and that you would like to learn more about. Volunteering can teach you new skills and put you in new situations.
  • There are online organizations that connect volunteers with organizations that need them. Consider using one of these to help you locate opportunities. 

Start Small and Think Local 

If you're not sure about your skill set, then sample some short-term opportunities to find your place in the volunteer community. Contact community organizations, schools, churches, parks, local government agencies or other organizations that you think may need services that are in line with your skill set. Your job may also provide you with an opportunity to volunteer; they may provide you time to volunteer as well as the opportunity to use the skills from your job during volunteering. 

Think Global

Many churches and other organizations provide aid to places and communities all over the world:

  • You may rebuild trails in a national park.
  • Visit a community that needs to have access to clean water, needs health care and education, or needs help building or repairing structures.
  • You do not need to travel to be helpful to faraway places. Provide your services and skills to educate, train, or provide supplies for people who WILL be traveling far away.

Once you get an idea of what opportunities for volunteering you should:

  • Create a resume to introduce yourself and showcase your skills to an organization.
  • Be professional in your approach. Volunteering provides necessary manpower to organizations, but be sure to adhere to any rules and regulations and follow the directions given to you by the organization staff. 
  • Make sure that you have the time and schedule to volunteer.
  • Periodically reassess whether the volunteer position that you have is still working for you and the organization.

Keep in mind that regardless of what you choose to do, you are taking positive actions for yourself and others.