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Health & Wellness

Protecting Yourself When Your Job is Physically Demanding

Many health tips for employees are addressed to people who work at mostly sedentary jobs where activity is at a minimum. Employees are tasked with getting more steps, staying active throughout the day, and just making sure to move. But not all jobs are desk jobs, so not all jobs carry the same risks of inactivity.

Physically Demanding Job Care Blog
There are certain benefits to not working a sedentary job. You may certainly get your 10,000+ steps in, and you may work outdoors and stay in motion all day. But when a body works at hard labor, there are other health risks that need to be addressed. Repetitive motion and general wear and tear on backs, knees, shoulders, and legs are risk factors for health conditions and require steps to ensure long term good health.

Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy while working at an active job:

  • Wear whatever Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required and/or suggested for your job. PPE may include hearing and eye protection, a helmet, respirator or face mask, safety gloves and good, comfortable work shoes. Some other needs may include a back-support belt, sun protection (hats and sunscreen), and steel toes in your work shoes.
  • Know general work ergonomics. Ergonomics is the study of how the work environment affects the person doing the work and their efficiency. Ergonomics can help keep you from physically damaging your body. Knowing how to lift heavy objects efficiently and without hurting yourself may be part of the ergonomics of your job, and your job may include aids for you to use in the lift. These should be used properly.
  • You should share information about your work with your healthcare provider. The healthcare provider may be able to give ideas about what is needed to counteract any negative impact that your active job may have on your body.
  • Exercise. Do not assume that your active job provides you with what you need to keep yourself healthy. If your job has you doing heavy lifting, then focus your exercise on aerobic and flexibility exercises. If your job has you moving quickly, then consider weight lifting and flexibility exercises. Consider this –
    • You should be aware what parts of your body are used in your everyday work activity. Your workout should aim to balance muscle development by focusing on opposing muscles and other areas of the body not used as much in your job. And working on core strength is important for everyone!
    • You should pay attention to your blood pressure and heart rate. You may need to do some sort of sustained aerobic activity even if you are on your feet all day.
    • Flexibility may be an issue, and pain from overuse of certain muscles may cause problems. Consult a professional if you need help in identifying ways to improve your strength and flexibility so that you feel well while you work.

Most of all, make sure to listen to your body. Seek advice from others who do similar work, and use all resources available in your workplace.

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