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Health & Wellness

Post Meal Stroll

After a big meal at night, even the lightest form of physical activity may be the furthest thing from your mind. But as it turns out, there are many benefits of walking after eating that we should all take note of.

More than the diet contributes to the health in those Mediterranean communities who are known for their longevity and overall wellness. Their daily activity (not just exercise, but the time spent simply being active doing daily tasks) also contributes much to their health. Take a hint from one simple habit that many of these people have as part of their daily routine - take a post-meal stroll, often referred to as a “digestive walk” or “after-dinner walk.”


A short stroll after you eat, as little as 2 to 5 minutes, may help to control your blood sugar!

How it works: after a meal, blood sugar levels tend to rise as the body processes the carbohydrates that are eaten during the meal. A post-meal stroll can help lower the post-meal blood sugar spike by increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting the uptake of glucose into muscle cells (and out of the blood stream) since muscles need glucose to function. This works especially well for individuals with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.


These short, post-meal strolls can also:

  • Help stimulate digestion. It aids in the movement of food through the digestive tract, which can reduce the risk of bloating, gas, and indigestion. Walking can help speed up the emptying of the stomach and improve the absorption of nutrients from your meal.


  • Contribute to weight management. A short stroll can help burn some of the calories you’ve consumed, which may be particularly helpful for those who are watching their calorie intake or looking to maintain a healthy weight.


  • Benefit heart health. Taking a walk after a meal may help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease over time.


  • Reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote relaxation, which can be especially helpful after a busy day or a large meal.


Taking a post-meal walk can be a great opportunity for social interaction with friends, neighbors, and family. This interaction contributes to your emotional and psychological well-being.

Though as little as 2 to 5 minutes can help to lower blood sugar levels, a gentle, 15-30 minute walk is even better at helping you to receive these benefits. The exact length and timing of your post-meal stroll may vary based on your schedule, but making this short stroll a habit is an easy step to take toward better overall health.