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Health & Wellness

Pick a Hobby for Your Health

Finding things that bring you joy can help you reduce stress, improve your health, and connect with others.

Do you have a hobby you enjoy? Knitting? Reading? Building model cars? Taking a hike? Whatever the hobby is, it’s important to know that having a hobby is a healthy habit! So, don’t feel guilty about taking time to enjoy your hobby. Consider hobbies as essential and joyful tool to help you manage your health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that engaging in leisure activities, such as hobbies, can have a positive impact on your health. People who actively participate in hobbies have been found to have lower heart rates, report less stress and enjoy improved moods than those who do not. Surprisingly, it doesn’t matter what type of leisure activity you choose. Any hobby or leisure activity that was enjoyable to the individual had a positive effect on his or her physical and mental health.


What is a hobby anyway?

A hobby is an activity that you do during your leisure time that gives you pleasure. Hobbies offer a range of benefits.


  • Stress Relief and Problem Solving: Hobbies can help relieve stress and improve problem solving skills. Engaging in activities you enjoy allows you to escape from daily pressures and challenges. It also provides an opportunity to exercise your creative problem-solving abilities, boosting your confidence in the process.


  • Physical Fitness: Certain hobbies involve active participation, which can contribute to your physical fitness. Whether it’s gardening, dancing, or playing a sport, hobbies that get you moving can improve your overall well-being.


  • Social Connections: Hobbies can facilitate important social connections through groups of like-minded individuals. Joining clubs or organizations related to your interests enables you to meet new people, make friends, and expand your social network.


Don’t have a hobby? Consider these possibilities when selecting one:


  • Think “Community”: Volunteer in your community for activities that align with your existing skills or those that you wish to learn. Explore community organizations that match your interests and visit a few to find the right fit for your needs.


  • Local Resources: Check out your local library, school system, college, parks, or community center for schedules of events, classes and clubs covering a variety of subjects. These can include fitness classes, dance, acting, cooking, craft or art classes, lectures or access to materials in the areas of your interest.


  • Engage Your Mind: Pursue hobbies that engage your mind such as reading, puzzle-solving, or even investigating your genealogy. These can be solitary pursuits, or may even connect you with others who share your interest through book clubs and classes.


  • Self- Study: If you prefer solitary pursuits, find books and videos that teach you the skills that you need to get started in your hobby. Start with simple projects and gradually build your skills at your own pace.


  • Cross-Boundary Hobbies: Consider hobbies that can integrate with other interests. For instance, if you enjoy hiking, you could volunteer to groom trails at a local nature preserve. If you have construction or artistic skills, you might contribute the backdrop of a local play.


Make the time to engage in your hobby. Don’t let the excuse of “lack of time” prevent you from reaping the benefits that having a hobby can bring. Take a hard look at your schedule and set aside dedicated time to participate in your hobby. The rewards will be decreased stress, improved health, and a sense of joy. Remember having a hobby is not just a luxury; it is an investment in your well-being!