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Health & Wellness

Men: Put Your Health Before Mowing the Lawn

Hannah Hoffman, PHP Wellness Coordinator, talks about why men may avoid seeing a doctor and why it's vital to prioritize their health.

Men's Health Month
How many of you have heard the age-old excuse from a man in their life that “Oh, it’s fine! I don’t need to see a doctor” or “I’m too busy.” Many times, we are scared to hear results and avoid seeing a doctor until it’s too late. At PHP, we encourage not just men, but all of our members to schedule an annual check-up with their primary care physician to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. But, it is often an issue that men are less likely to prioritize this annual visit year after year. We asked Hannah Hoffman, PHP Wellness Coordinator, to explain this common issue and why men should prioritize their well-being.

According to a 2019 Cleveland Clinic survey of 1,174 men, men will do almost anything to avoid going to the doctor. Here are some of the study’s key findings:

  • 72% of men would rather do household chores, like cleaning the bathroom or mowing the lawn, than go to the doctor. 
  • 65% of men prefer to self-diagnose and tend to wait as long as possible to see their doctor if they have any health symptoms or an injury.
  • Even if men go to the doctor, 20% say they hold back or are not completely honest due to:
    • Being embarrassed (46%) 
    • Not wanting to hear they need to change their diet and lifestyle (36%) 
    • Not ready to face the diagnosis and/or would rather not know if they have any health issues (37%) 
  • 82% of men try to stay healthy to live longer for family and friends who rely on them, yet only 50% engage in preventive care. 
If you are similar to the men in this study and avoid going to the doctor, here are six reasons why we encourage you to go:

1. Prevention of chronic diseases like Coronary Heart Disease 

Nearly 1 in 6 men will die from coronary heart disease (CHD). Blocked arteries and high blood pressure, for instance, are just two things that can be silent killers in men and can cause terrible damage before men are even aware they exist. Together with your doctor, you can help manage, treat, or even reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

2. Early detection of prostate cancer 

Prostate cancer affects 1 in 6 men. Getting regular check-ups or screenings can help with early detection.

3. Telling the truth always pays off 

Even though it may be uncomfortable, mentioning any issues pertaining to urology or sexual well-being is important, as these could indicate other health issues, like a blocked artery or type 2 diabetes. Not talking about health issues won’t make them simply go away.

4. Decrease stress levels 

Stress has a huge impact on health and can become a ticking time bomb for men due to them being twice more likely to suffer from work-related stress than women. Men also have a tendency to shut off their feelings. Whether you are stressed from work or from life itself, it is important to take note of stress and manage it in a healthy manner. Talking to a healthcare professional regularly can help alleviate pressure and decrease stress levels.

5. Be a role-model to others 

Being proactive with your health and annually visiting your doctor, is one way to demonstrate the importance of prioritizing your well-being and be a role-model to other men and loved ones in your life. 

6. Stay on top of your screenings 

Putting together a timeline with your doctor to be screened for various health conditions, can help you stay on top of your health and wellness. Not sure when important testing should begin? Below is a cheat sheet for when testing should generally begin: 

  • Colon or rectal cancer screening - Age 50 
  • Prostate cancer - Age 50 
  • Cardiovascular or coronary artery disease - Age 19
  • Blood pressure screenings - Age 18 

No matter your age, valuing your health and making it a priority will increase the longevity of your life, decrease your risk of diseases, and improve your overall well-being. PHP values your health and many preventive services are covered at no cost to you, with your PHP plan.

If you don’t have a doctor’s appointment marked on your calendar, we encourage you to set one up today! Don’t have a doctor? Check out our Find Care tool to find a primary care provider near you. Don’t just do this for you, do this for your loved ones who want you to stick around and be there for all the big moments in their life.