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Health & Wellness

Importance of Sleep

Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to recharge.

Did you know that the quality and quantity of our sleep is directly connected to both our emotional and physical health? As a necessary component of our overall health, here’s how sleep or lack of sleep impacts specific areas of our mind and body: 

Mental Health 

  • Getting enough sleep helps to reduce stress and improve memory.
  • Not getting enough sleep can make you irritable and increase your risk for depression.
  • Sleep is also essential for processing memory. A study reported in Psychological Science found that sleep helped the brain preserve memories with the greatest emotional connection and diminish the details that were not emotionally important. 

Physical Health

  • Sleep is also important for your physical health. Cells produce more protein when you sleep, helping your body to heal from injury or the day’s exposure to pollution, ultraviolet rays, and environmental chemicals. 
  • Not getting enough sleep is associated with high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, and increased inflammation, all risks for heart disease. 
  • Another risk from insufficient sleep is diabetes. Not getting enough sleep raises your risk of diabetes by 40%. 

To be healthy, aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is as important to your health as diet and exercise. Improve your sleep habits with a plan that improves your overall health.