Exercising in water is a full body workout that is effective and fun!
Here is why a water workout can be good for you:
- It is low impact and easy on your joints. Water provides a natural cushion that reduces the impact of gravity. This is especially helpful for anyone with joint issues, for seniors, or for anyone completing physical rehabilitation from an injury or surgery.
- It is a whole-body workout. Unlike running, biking, or walking, which focuses most of the effort on the lower body, swimming and water aerobics works all of your muscles, upper body and lower body.
- Water provides resistance. Resistance builds muscle strength and makes your workout more rigorous.
- But it won't feel more rigorous! Working out in water can actually feel easier, since the water cools your body temperature and the water helps to support our body.
- Working out in water can lower your blood pressure. One study found that after 10 weeks of water aerobic exercise, there was a 14% decrease in risk of death due to a stroke, 95 decrease in risk of death due to heart disease, and a 7% decrease of death overall. The average blood pressure in the study decreased from an average of 154/96 to approximately 143/91 in just 10 weeks. Note: the study was done on patients diagnosed with mild or moderate high blood pressure.
Check out your local pool for exercise classes. You may also find that some pools offer times just for swimming laps or for walking in the water, usually before the pool opens to the general public. Always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. And be sure to take care of your skin. Apply sunscreen if the pool is outdoors. After working out, shower to remove sunscreen and chlorine and moisturize generously.