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Breaking news!: Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana to join Priority Health. Read more in the full media release.

Improving your quality of life is something we take very seriously. In fact, strengthening the health and wellness of our communities is one of PHP's primary objectives. We know that productivity in the workforce is directly impacted by the health and wellness of its people. Good health is critical to good business, and good health insurance is critical to good health.

Being a local, trusted resource, PHP has respect for, and is involved in, the long-term growth and success of the communities we serve. By cultivating specific data, we can tailor healthcare services to particular populations and foster initiatives focusing on improving wellness for our members and clients.

Member Survey Results

Our History

Founded in 1983, Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana, Inc., is a physician-sponsored not-for-profit health insurance company whose focus has always been on providing our customers with quality, affordable health care customized to meet the specific needs of our members. Forty years later, PHP remains locally sponsored and governed by area doctors and business representatives who are committed to supporting patient/physician relationships and healthcare options for better health outcomes and healthier communities.

PHP in the Community

We work, live, and play in the same communities as you. Our commitment to improving your quality of life runs deep – think of us as the health insurance company next door.

Learn More
We’re Here to Help

When we say we're here to help, we really mean it. PHP is a no-robot zone – that means when you contact us, someone from our Indiana office will be ready and happy to assist you.

Let's talk