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Health & Wellness

Social Side of Exercise

There are many physical, mental, and social benefits of exercise, but you don’t often hear about the social aspects, such as what meeting new people and learning new skills together can do for you.

If a long walk or run by yourself recharges you and makes you feel good, that’s great. But for most people, the research is clear. Working out with a friend, family member or in a group provides big advantages. From maintaining commitment to better results, working out with others can be the best choice.

Working out with others can keep you motivated. You are less likely to skip a workout if someone is waiting for you. Also, the friendly faces in your aerobic or spin class will keep you coming back! Knowing you are in for a challenging workout together can make that workout seem easier. Be sure to work out with someone who is encouraging and supportive not just competitive.

Working out with someone can inspire you to push yourself while having fun. Choose to work out with someone who is close to you in fitness level. Or choose a group class that matches your abilities. You can safely push yourself a little when working out at the proper level.

Working out with others can have a financial benefit too. Group classes are less expensive than one-on-one workouts, and personal trainers often offer group sessions at a lower rate than individual.

So, does that mean you should exercise with others? Not necessarily. While there are benefits to working out with someone, that is only true for those who are energized and motivated by social interaction. For others, working out alone is the best way to de-stress and get the most out of a workout. It’s important to know what motivates you and what you want your workout to accomplish. Many would benefit from a mix of social and individual workouts.