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Health & Wellness

Information and Action for Men’s Health

During Men's Health Awareness Month, review this information to put a plan in action for yourself or the men in your life for improved overall health.

With June being Men’s Health Awareness Month, let’s take this opportunity to educate ourselves and raise awareness for the health and wellness of men of all ages. Consistent, healthy habits and knowing how to evaluate the status of your health are the first steps to helping yourself and/or the men in your life achieve an overall state of health and wellbeing.


Men - Take Action!

Whether you have a busy schedule or think that your health is right where it should be, routine checkups can truly be a lifesaver. Too often we disregard our health by not scheduling or keeping routine appointments with our doctors and care providers. Take a proactive approach toward health by doing routine checkups, health screenings, and other preventive measures to ensure your overall health is in check.

Many health problems men face can be prevented or treated before progressing into serious health issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men in the United States, on average, die five years earlier than women. Additionally, men die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries. Take this information, set goals, and put a plan in place to monitor and improve the direction of your health.  


Physical Health

It’s no secret that physical health plays a significant role in your overall health. Although we would all like to think our current physical state is up to snuff, let’s take a look at five essential factors that each contribute, and see if one area may need more attention or effort.

Sleep- The rule of thumb for getting eight hours of sleep is well known, but did you know this standard applies to all? Our sleep cycles may shift and change as we grow older, but many make the mistake of staying up late and then sleeping in to compensate--which doesn’t allow the body to develop a consistent sleeping pattern. Others may not be getting enough sleep simply because they aren’t prioritizing sleep at night or in the mornings. If your sleeping cycle is unsteady, countless negative symptoms are bound to occur and can cause further health implications. Aim to get consistent sleep and give yourself the proper window of time to be well rested.

Hygiene- Although it doesn’t always receive the same amount of conversation as the other topics, hygiene plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall health as well as preventing disease. Proper hygiene decreases the risk of disease and illness that are commonly spread through viruses and bacteria. Good hygiene must be practiced daily to ensure physical health is balanced, to help maintain good health and prevent future health complications.

Relaxation- Often times, we get caught up in everyday life and forget to take a moment to take a deep breath and relax. There’s nothing wrong with being determined to making the most of your days, but an extremely packed schedule may lead to added pressure and stress. Have a healthy channel to cope with stress, such as yoga or simply going for a walk to get some fresh air. Try different positive outlets to assist in alleviating stress from everyday life to see what works best for you and your health.

Nutrition- Tweak your diet. We don’t mean to cut carbs and sugar out of your diet completely or to eat nothing but lettuce every single day. A large part of maintaining a balanced diet is setting realistic and attainable goals to reach an improved physical state. Making small changes to your diet will do wonders for your overall health as you are enabled to take steps towards a healthier body and mind. Similar to sleep, consistency is key. Frequent consumption of healthy foods will provide your body with the nutrients it needs for overall mental and physical wellbeing.

Physical Activity- Exercise offers countless benefits for overall health, but is often a difficult component to add to your day. The key to making this a sustainable addition to your schedule is to find the workout that best suits you. If aerobic exercise like walking, running, or biking are of no interest to you, try incorporating other forms of exercises. Weight or resistance training also offer great benefits and are a completely different pace than aerobic workouts.


Mental Health

As the stigma related to mental health has improved in recent years, we continue to see a growing number of individuals impacted by mental illness. Mental health doesn’t discriminate by gender, but according to the National Center for Biotechnology, men with mental illnesses are less likely to seek and receive mental health treatment. The social norm of “sucking it up” and expectation for men to “tough it out” when bad things occur causes greater health complications than one might initially think. Being socialized to stay silent is prevalent, even in today’s society. It’s important to recognize the signs of mental illness, regardless of age or gender. Some common symptoms include:

  • Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate
  • Feeling sad or down
  • Extreme mood changes of highs and lows
  • Withdrawal from friends/family and social activities
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much

Mental illness comes in many shapes in sizes and can present – or not present—itself in a variety of ways. Just like physical health, mental health plays a crucial role in your overall health and should receive equal emphasis. If you or somebody you know is suffering from a mental illness, seek help or offer various resources for assistance.


Medical History

One of the first steps to improving your health is to better understand your medical history. There’s a reason your doctor has you complete all of those forms at each visit! When discussing medical history, consider both your personal history as well as that of your family.

Your personal health history has details about any health issues you’ve experienced and, along with your family’s medical history, can assist healthcare providers in understanding important aspects of your overall health.

Family health history plays an important role, as well. These medical records identify individuals with a higher-than-usual chance of having common medical diseases influenced by a blend of genetic factors, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices. Discussions with relatives is an easy way to gather family medical history. Additional information can be obtained through death certificates or medical records. Tools such as My Family Health Portrait are helpful in keeping track of all your family’s medical history.


Additional Resources

National Institute of Mental Health

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1-800-273-TALK

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration- 1-800-662-HELP (4357)