PHP staff members volunteering at Safety Village
When evaluating an employee benefits package, we often focus on the basics like health and dental insurance, life insurance, retirement funds, and vacation time, for example. Thinking more creatively, what other features could be added to make your company stand apart for current or prospective employees? One idea is adding an employee volunteer program to your offerings.
Whether a company already has an existing employee volunteer program or is wanting to start one, these key factors should be incorporated for a successful program:
- Provide motivation and opportunity
- Make the program easy-to-track
- Lead by example
- Recognize and celebrate
Why is an employee volunteer program important?
As a business owner, you work to make a difference by adding benefit or providing a service for your clients. As an employer, you also have the opportunity to enhance the lives of your employees and their families by providing salaries, health insurance, other employee benefits, and a positive sense of community. Supporting local non-profit organizations and programs helping those in need gives staff an opportunity to contribute to this civic responsibility and shared community pride.
Volunteering allows employees to make connections with the organizations they volunteer for, and develop a love and passion for organizations in which they may not have been exposed to before. Life-long memories and personal relationships are created through volunteer programs, and they can have a profound effect on both physical and mental health.
What makes an employee volunteer program successful?
The right motivation, first and foremost
Volunteering is done through the good nature of an individual, and cannot be forced. When someone identifies a cause they’re passionate about, the motivation to participate and make a difference comes naturally. Without this inspiration, the employee volunteer program wouldn’t be as successful.
Must be easy to track
Using software that tracks volunteer events and volunteer hours streamlines the program for the company. Free or low-cost tools, such as Track It Forward, can be used to enable employees to make their volunteerism as efficient as possible. Tracking all of the activity helps identify the areas and programs that employees are interested in, and gives future direction for additional organizations and opportunities.
Meeting your employees where they are
Sometimes, people aren’t always able to go out in the community and directly support others. PHP makes a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available, both in-house and out in the community, bringing volunteering to the employee. Some may prefer to get their hands dirty cleaning landscaping or painting, while other may opt to participate in a drive for needed supplies. Offering both options makes an employee volunteer program more inclusive for all.
Volunteering and mental health
Perspective matters. The organizations that volunteers assist are grateful for the efforts and contributions, but the individuals who volunteer also come away with an even greater sense of gratitude. Taking part in a charitable, impactful cause can change your overall health.
Research shows that an effective approach to combat depression and anxiety is through volunteering – shifting the focus toward a greater cause. Time spent helping others is fundamentally rewarding. That warm, fuzzy feeling you get by helping others does wonders for your mental state and also boosts your social connection. Simply put, being a part of the greater good is a win-win for everybody.
Teamwork and leadership
Many of us have been a member of a team at some point in our lives. Whether it’s your career, athletics, or another activity, we recognize the bonds formed and the skills learned when being part of something bigger than yourself. Volunteering is certainly no exception to this. When volunteering, people come together for a common goal and learn the value of cooperation. Employers will see this reflected in their staff’s ability to collaborate, growth in leadership skills, and increased efficiency at work.
Leading by example
Actions often speak louder than words. While PHP grants money to many non-profits each year through the PHP Foundation, the power of our team members giving their time greatly magnifies our total impact for the community. Staff members, regardless of position or rank, take advantage of our employee volunteer program to give back and represent PHP. With our focus on the community, there’s no better way to demonstrate our passion for the public then by having our feet on the ground helping others.
And that example starts at the top. PHP President and CEO, Gary Shearer, donates his time by serving on multiple non-profit boards and volunteering for several organizations. PHP leadership encourages and open doors to allow employees to pursue organizations in which they are passionate about. They recognize that working a full-time schedule doesn’t leave a large window to volunteer, so PHP gives team members up to 16 paid volunteer hours each year to allow employees to increase their impact in the community.
According to SHRM's 2023 Employee Benefits Survey, only 28% of employers offer paid time off for volunteering. By encouraging and facilitating volunteer opportunities, employers can directly improve both employees’ overall health and the charitable services of the community.
Don’t forget to celebrate your team’s contributions
Make sure you take time to celebrate the good work your employees are doing for the community. Showcase your employees volunteer efforts through social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to recognize their contributions, and to also raise awareness for the organizations they are assisting.
Another good way to offer recognition is through all-team meetings. This provides employees an opportunity to share their volunteer experience with the team, and gives you a forum to thank the employee for their efforts. You can also invite representatives from the non-profit or charity to share more about their organization and possibly inspire others to volunteer in the future.
By launching a volunteer program at your organization, you can help add a new dimension of employee engagement for your team members by giving them the power to enact change through volunteerism.